A bouquet to all of us

\"\"A huge thank you to everyone who made yesterday\’s WriteAngles conference a big success. Thanks to our wonderful keynoters, Maria Luisa Arroyo and Ann Hood and to all our panelists who shared their knowledge and experience, often entertainingly. Thanks to all the panel moderators who recruited panelists and guided discussions. Thanks to all the behind-the-scenes people, including our two co-cordinators Daisy Mathias and Chris Rohmann, who made it all happen. We are very grateful to our four hard-working literary agents, with special thanks to James McGinnis who appeared magically at the VERY LAST MINUTE to fill in for Ryan Harbage, a victim of the flu. Finally, thanks to all who attended this year\’s conference, and especially to the ten who were so gracious in receiving the (temporary) news that they would not be seeing an agent.

1 thought on “A bouquet to all of us”

  1. I’m so glad I found this conference. My first writing conference ever and memories were definitely made yesterday. Thank you!

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