Straw Dog Writers Guild is excited to be the new organizer of WriteAngles, a writing conference hosted in the Valley forever 30 years.
We are committed to the WriteAngles legacy as a conference by writers, for writers.
A conference by writers:
Volunteers from various regional literary organizations
For writers:
Emerging writers, established writers, everyone is welcome
We are committed to reaching writers in the four counties of Western Mass and beyond
Straw Dog Writers Guild hopes to expand the reach of the conference to the far corners of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire counties. We aim to attract writers who are curious and committed, who are interested in either/both classic and hybrid forms; who love language and are open to all the ways it inspires and teaches.
The mission of Straw Dog Writers Guild is to support the writing community by strengthening, engaging, and connecting writers at all levels of development.
We are a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to the craft and transformative power of writing, designed to serve writers throughout the region by promoting individual growth, community outreach and enrichment, and community building.