Announcing our keynote speakers for 2016

We are extremely pleased to announce our keynote speakers for this year\’s conference. Lisa Papademetriou, author of middle-school and young adult novels, will speak in the morning plenary and Carole DeSanti, author and Vice President, Executive Editor at Viking Penguin will speak after lunch.

3 thoughts on “Announcing our keynote speakers for 2016”

  1. Hello Write Angles –

    I would love for you to consider a panel on “activist fiction” for a Write Angles conference in the future. As the author of two cli-fi rom-coms (Love in the Time of Climate Change and KABOOM!)  I would love to participate. Thanks for considering. Brian Adams

  2. writeanglesblog

    Thanks, Brian. I’m not sure we have a panel you would fit on this year but I will circulate your message among the planning committee.

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